Ace weekend. saturday chilled with will and will down the jumps. worked on will's berm of love or skipper the eye child to those in the know and the next berm in kungs line or kung fu as it seems to been re-named. wills work in the origianal line, the rollers and berm looks like so much fun, as will h pointed out 'it looks like a remote control car track'. talking of will, how can one so young and innocent (in that vid will posted) turn into what i last saw of him of saturday night. there are other ways of drinking pints of cider other than seeing them in one. class in a glass. had wicked ghetto soap on a little fire down the woods as well. good job.
oh, for those whos number/facebook i dont have, digmore christmas party round mine friday the 19th. good lads.
Please please forgive me for not having dug in ages. I will endeavour to get there at somepoint this weekend or during the week to break the ice. Dont hate me.
Ps. Is my spade still in one piece?
dont worry dude.i couldnt possibly hate you! you spade is still in one piece as well, although i think there is a crack developing between the metal head and handle. not sure if you knew about that before? see you soon dude.
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