Monday 31 August 2009

yeah boyd

right oh,

The long weekend has been savage. Had the deluxe team through on friday, after several hours dialling everything in the rain did its worse and shut our woods down. shame. would have been too good to see max, mulville, pom pom and the rest carving around the woods. But the party on craig's cider boat and onwards was real fun.
Worcester was carnage. murray jam was everything i wanted it to be and the party after was intense, just wish i could get the damn thorns out of my body and 2 day handovers suck chuds but at least i found my missing shoe in the morning. Looks like the digmore detox is on with myself, the flying kung-a-lung-a-dingdong and Adi off the booze and on the productivity for september with lots of good stuff in the pipe line.
Clay up Tom took a massive slam on BF today making 3 out 5 locals KO'd from riding with bust shoulders. So speedy recovery for all....

Mr Alex Boyd has been badgering me to get a post up about his new blog he is running with the guys from Cheltbmx so here it is: CLICKY CLICK CLICK His woods are looking good (although i still havent actually been down!) and cheltenham has been crying out for good trails since RW's went the way of the dodo. Could the M5 become the trails motorway?

Thats about it i suppose. Fingers crossed for a Indian Summer. And I leave you with Boyd going sideways over some famous dirt.



boyd said...

haha thanks geeeeooorge! :D

Adi said...

get well soon Tom. I hope this shoulder injury thing isnt becoming fashionable / catching.