Thursday 25 September 2008

don't dump it, pump it


will here

ooooh so much drama it's like uk trails scene 1999 over in this little corner of bristol, haha, lets put our good foot forward n that.

i can't find my digital camera at the mo so i ain't got any pics of the pump track but to make up for it here's a vid i found on the internet

SC pumptrack preview from jackson allen on Vimeo.


also if you're bored go on pretty loose kiddys by the looks of things build RAD trails some rad pics of chertsy there. also watch the vid at the top of the page all the way through - legendary video that's from... maybe a 'building the underground' appreciation post soon??

that's enough internet for me, i got a cup of tea to make

take it easy laaads and ladys


1 comment:

Sasquatch Canyon said...

Thanks for the video plug! I guess I haven't done it yet, but I stumbled on your site through Prettyshady and will be linking to it in a post asap. Your stuff look awesome! I am blowing all my money on a trip to Pennsylvania this year but England is next! Check back at in the next few weeks for a full length video of the pumptrack.